The local Audubon reserves a section of the campground and we all just hang out and bird leisurely or vigorously depending on when you wake up and what you wanna see.
I was in Lewistown for half of the weekend, and I got to the campground around 8pm Saturday. By then, this is how much birding was going on at the moment...
I got up at about 5:45ish and the sun peaked up at 6ish or so.
There was TONS of birds singing!
Orange-crowned Warblers
American Redstart
Northern Waterthrush
Willow Flycatcher
Cassin's Vireo
Chipping Sparrow
Swainson's Thrush
Black-headed Grosbeak
Western Tanager
and more!
I ended the trip with my yearlist at 180 for the 2010. Not too bad but I am still missing lots and I need an out-of-state trip also!
Great pics, Josh! Looks like a fun trip...