Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bird of the Month: Gray-crowned Rosy Finch

My favorite photo (above)

Logan Pass Expedition

Logan Pass (pictured above). 6,689 feet above sea level. Great spot for birds and more abundantly, people. Mostly residents from all over, including Europe and Asia, just here for a few days.

The birds though, the birding is what draws me to Logan Pass. The views and mammals are draws "normal" people to Logan Pass. On this day, both took me there. My visiting relatives and I made a trip up the boardwalk to the Hidden Lake lookout. Here are the pictures and story.
In the first 500 feet of the trail, Columbian Ground-Squirrels dominated.
They definitely know how to show-off for the visitors. The ground-squirrels are very conditioned, which isn't the best thing.
The views from the boardwalk were killer!! The snow pack is continually melting, so there was a lot of water flowing around.
My target bird, Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. This bird always gets me. It's elegant and just down right cool!
I saw about 10 or so birds, and even got some killer photos!!!
I found an adult bird feeding 4 juvenile birds! WAY COOL!!!

Please check my next post for a series of photos of the birds!!
Finally, at the Hidden Lake Lookout, I saw a few White-crowned Sparrows and Golden-mantled Ground-Squirrels

Like the Columbian Ground-Squirrels, these little guys are also trained to beg for food. Sad but cute.

Views from the boardwalk, White-tailed Ptarmigan and Gray-crowned Rosy Finch habitat.
The Rosy Finch is my 198th yearbird!! WOOHOO!

Campin' and Birdin'

Monday, after work, I meet up with my family. We were to go camping, and they already set up camp at our spot. This was a great spot too; it was full of birds! Along Hungry Horse Reservoir, the birds are great and the water is warm...perfect.

Tuesday morn, I woke up at 6:30am to the sounds of Swainson's Thrush, MacGillivray's Warbler, Red Crossbill, Townsend's and Audubon's Warbler ((formerly the Audubon's form of Yellow-rumped Warbler-they were split, again)) What a wonder way to wake up!

I walked around the campsite, and down to the lake.

The birds were great!! I got eye-level looks at a Townsend's Warbler feeding in a bush. AMAZING! Juvenile Ruby-crowned Kinglets were right in my face! Cool stuff.

Walking back, I spooked a male Pine Grosbeak. I got some good looks at him. It sure has been awhile since I got good looks at a male Pine Grosbeak.

Swainson's Thrush were everywhere out there.
Huckleberries. The second greatest joy of camping up here.

Wednesday, my dad and younger cousin went and explored. We found a nice hiking trail up high in the mountains, and started trekking!
Up there, I saw a Cordilleran Flycatcher!! yearbird number 198!
Coolest butterfly!!

I saw some good birds, and had some good times.

Check back soon for more posts about my birding in the last 2 days!