Finally got out and went BIRDING!!!
I just did a little loop of 3 wetlands today and found some cool stuff.
The first marsh is on Fairview Crossroad, thus named Fairview Marsh. Here I found AT LEAST 12 Black Terns!! The most I have ever seen in one spot in Montana. Other birds around were Red-necked Grebes, Eared Grebes, Cinnamon Teal, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and Common Yellowthroats....the usual marsh crew.
The fields held large amounts of Savannah Sparrows. Singing all day.
- Brewer's Blackbird panting
This one looks really cool...
(edit) Many thanks to Chuck Carlson for the ID to this dragon: A "Twelve-spotted Skimmer"
No ID for this one...I am still looking.
The Hummingbird brings my total yearlist to 185.....sad. I need to get out more!!
At 184 your beating me Josh. Your dragon is an absolute pearler - no idea of its name tho'.How come I missed all the coots in FL last month - shoulda gone to Montana?
Yes lol we dooo have a lot of Coots :)
ReplyDeleteYeah the first dragonfly is really amazing-looking
I have some connections, I will find its name!
best wishes
Ask Nate 'bout the ID of that second dragonfly.